LoL Camera Hook

LoL Camera Hook is an optional DLL for SkinSpotlights Camera (LoLCameraSharp)

The DLL hooks onto vital LoL Rendering Functions and allows extra functionality such as more post processing options, skyboxes and most crucial is the ability to adjust render states to mask problems with the SRU Map when looking at non standard angles as well as changing how particles are rendered.

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT POSTPROCESSING: The option is available via the ingame console (INSERT) however if enabled it will cause bugsplats due to not having the shaders, it will be available when its deemed fit for purpose.

The tool comes with 2 Skybox examples, a two tone sky, which colours can be changed in the .fx shader via notepad and another which uses textures which there are some examples supplied.

This DLL Needs the VS2013 Redist Pack installed (5.18~5.22 might need VS2015 Redist Pack).

This DLL Needs the DirectX End Use Runtime installed.

IF the camera tool set buttons and toggles do not work then hop ingame and hit INSERT button on your keyboard, if a console pops up it has injected and is fully working apart from the communication line between the DLL and Camera Tool hasn't opened. To fix this you will need to restart the software and game, if a restart of the software doesn't work then a PC Reboot will be needed.

Since the camera tool is Discontinued, this is now Discontinued as well

Patch 6.2 ~ 6.4

Patch 6.1

Patch 5.24

Patch 5.23

For LoL Patch 5.18 ~ 5.22